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data labels in imageinfo API don't make sense
Closed, DeclinedPublic


The data currently returned by the imageinfo API assigns the author to "artist" and the source to "credit". Both of these are incorrectly labeled. In particular these labels make it difficult to figure out the proper attribution for the image, as it sounds like you should use "credit", but you should actually use "artist".

Version: master
Severity: normal

Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:36 AM
bzimport added a project: CommonsMetadata.
bzimport set Reference to bz69914.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Not an API bug, it's just returning what deeper layers of MediaWiki give it. It sounds like you want the CommonsMetadata extension.

See T59189#605222 for the rationale behind the field names. In hindsight, I agree it was the wrong decision, but I am not sure it is worth changing all the field names now - the API has other serious limitations and will be eventually superseded by the structured data API when wikibase will be introduced to Commons.

Gilles subscribed.

Given how much the structured data project lags behind, I would be inclined to fix this now. @Anomie, is there any guidance on how such a breaking change to the API should be handled?

Announce it on mediawiki-api-announce, if you can't maintain BC for the old names. mentions updaing "all known clients". Do we already have a list? A first step seems to make one.

MedaViewer, OCG, MobileFrontend/mobile apps, VisualEditor are the big ones AFAIK. There are a bunch of gadgets, bots and other tools - this search should find the ones on GitHub. We could also just log useragents for a while.

Still, the first step should be to come up with the names :)

@Tgr: I would suggest changing:

And possibly:

  • UsageTerms to LicenseLongName

Change 231505 had a related patch set uploaded (by Gergő Tisza):
Rename extmetadata labels to be more intuitive

Tgr's patch has been sitting in Gerrit for four months without comments / review.
How to proceed / who to review?

Change 231505 abandoned by Gergő Tisza:
Rename extmetadata labels to be more intuitive

Structured media info will obsolete this extension (or at least its current output data structure) soon.

Tgr removed Tgr as the assignee of this task.

I'll be bold and decline. With file metadata being migrated to WikibaseMediaInfo, I see little value on working on CommonsMetadata.