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irc bouncer project
Closed, DeclinedPublic


I'd like to set up weechat on a vm while I'm here in SF so that I can maintain a connection to IRC from my phone and from my laptop as I move from the office to my hotel, etc.

I asked where would be an ok place to set that up and Greg suggested I request a project in labs and see if anyone yells at me ;)

Project Name: mmodell
Purpose: Temporary IRC bouncer, in the future I would use this for testing instances for release engineering tasks.
Username: 20after4

Event Timeline

mmodell raised the priority of this task from to Medium.
mmodell updated the task description. (Show Details)
mmodell added subscribers: Matthewrbowker, scfc, coren and 3 others.
yuvipanda claimed this task.
yuvipanda added a subscriber: MarkTraceur.

This was extensively discussed in the past and we decided we shouldn't be hosting IRC bouncers, for privacy and other reasons.

So... no :) But if you want to have a bouncer, me or @MarkTraceur or lots of others offer staff free bouncers on our VPSes :)