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Flow in low width, terms of use message is squashed
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the mobilefrontend, the Terms of Use message appears very squashed, and even overlaps the "Cancel" button.

Screenshot_from_2015-02-10_11:35:34.png (854×382 px, 81 KB)

(also a problem in desktop view, at reduced widths, eg. increasingly at less than ~700px)

Event Timeline

Quiddity raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Quiddity updated the task description. (Show Details)
Quiddity subscribed.
Mattflaschen-WMF renamed this task from Flow in mobilefrontend, terms of use message is squashed to Flow in low width, terms of use message is squashed.Feb 11 2015, 2:07 AM
Mattflaschen-WMF claimed this task.
gerritbot subscribed.

Change 189890 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mattflaschen):
Fix scrunching of TOS on low-width windows


^ That's the easy solution, if it's okay to have the TOS after the buttons.

Screenshot (desktop remains the same):

TOS_Immediately_After_Button_Row.png (535×407 px, 28 KB)

EBernhardson subscribed.

Change 189890 merged by jenkins-bot:
Fix scrunching of TOS on low-width windows