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Decide on a strategy for supporting language variants in VisualEditor (or decide to give up)
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Some relevant page view data by country from

  • China: 52% enwiki, 7.8% jpwiki, only 5.6% zhwiki
  • Hong Kong: 68.4% zhwiki, 27.2% enwiki, 2.4% jpwiki
  • Taiwan: 88.1% zhwiki, 8.9% enwiki

The interesting thing is that zhwiki usage within China seems to be rather low. Most usage seems to be from outside China, primarily Taiwan, but also Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau.

Some relevant page view data by country from

  • China: 52% enwiki, 7.8% jpwiki, only 5.6% zhwiki
  • Hong Kong: 68.4% zhwiki, 27.2% enwiki, 2.4% jpwiki
  • Taiwan: 88.1% zhwiki, 8.9% enwiki

The interesting thing is that zhwiki usage within China seems to be rather low.

zhwiki has been (mostly) blocked in China since May 2015.

Most usage seems to be from outside China, primarily Taiwan, but also Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Macau.

Yes - more precisely, in July 2016, 52% of pageviews came from Taiwan, 19% from Hong Kong, 9% from the US, 3% from Malaysia.

SET hive.mapred.mode=nonstrict ;
SELECT country_code,  ROUND(100*countryviews/allviews,2) AS views_percentage
    SELECT country_code, SUM(view_count) AS countryviews
    FROM wmf.projectview_hourly
      year = 2016
      AND month = 7
      AND project = 'zh.wikipedia'
      AND agent_type = 'user'
    GROUP BY country_code)
    AS countrylist
    SELECT SUM(view_count) AS allviews
    FROM wmf.projectview_hourly
      year = 2016
      AND month = 7
      AND project = 'zh.wikipedia'
      AND agent_type = 'user') AS global
GROUP BY country_code, countryviews, allviews
ORDER BY views_percentage DESC LIMIT 10;
country_code	views_percentage
TW	51.95
HK	19.42
US	8.61
MY	3.45
CA	2.46
JP	2.18
SG	1.96
CN	1.44
AU	1.37
GB	1.05
10 rows selected (128.441 seconds)
Jdforrester-WMF removed projects: Notice, User-notice.

This was decided, whoops.

Jdforrester-WMF changed the point value for this task from 40 to 0.Sep 18 2017, 6:26 PM
Jdforrester-WMF changed the point value for this task from 0 to 8.