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Meeting: PGP/GPG Key signing party
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Last year's key signing party had about 20 participants. Let's do it again this year! Please bring slips of paper with your fingerprint to the event.

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csteipp claimed this task.
csteipp raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
csteipp updated the task description. (Show Details)
csteipp subscribed.

I added it to the schedule-- 13:00 on Monday. Maybe we can meet outside somewhere?

That conflicts with lunch! :D

In T99683#1308803, @MC8 wrote:

That conflicts with lunch! :D

Lunch is scheduled for 12:00, has it been late? I haven't been keeping track.

Lunch is scheduled for 12:00, has it been late? I haven't been keeping track.

Ah, just saw the email. I'll move it to 14:00.

Lunch is from 12noon to 2pm, according to the Hackathon newsletter email that just got sent.

Which has been wrong :) There's always been 1pm sessions this whole weekend. This is the canonical schedule:

But, 2pm is fine :)

greg triaged this task as Medium priority.May 25 2015, 9:29 AM
greg set Security to None.
greg added a subscriber: dpatrick.
Parent5446 raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.May 25 2015, 10:15 AM

This is very important! ;)

This is happening now, in the room by the entrance to the hotel (with a yellow "public conference" sign on the door). Come join us!

This comment was removed by MC8.
This comment was removed by greg.

Thanks for coming :)