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User Since
Jul 16 2016, 10:51 AM (411 w, 3 d)
MediaWiki User
Epiq [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Jul 18 2016

Epiq added a comment to T136677: Deployment of Compact Language Links.

There's one other point I would like to make. I recognise the fact that I am probably in a fairly small minority of Wikipedia readers, but hiding the interwiki links like this actually causes me a lot of extra trouble instead of helping me. I am interested in a fairly wide array of languages, as well as seeing, which languages are available for a given topic. For example, on the Finnish Wikipedia page on Philippe Buonarroti (, nine interwiki links are shown and seven are hidden. I have to open a pop-up window to know which languages they are. Instead of showing me a list of those previously hidden languages, I have a long list of all the available languages grouped into six (!) different categories, some geographical and some not, with some languages repeated (e.g. Russian is on the list three times). If I was searching for Hungarian, for instance, I would have no way of knowing whether it actually exists, and I would have to browse through a long and confusingly, unintuitively arranged list to actually know that yes, there is a Hungarian article available on the topic.

Jul 18 2016, 9:12 PM · User-notice-archive, Language-Engineering July-September 2016, ULS-CompactLinks, UniversalLanguageSelector
Epiq added a comment to T136677: Deployment of Compact Language Links.

I am not sure about the reference to 'big languages' in here. However, considering the examples like Interlingua and Volapük, its mostly likely the section called Worldwide languages which includes a mix of several major world languages like English, French, Chinese and also several artificial languages. This supplements the regional groups that you see in the same dialogue.

Jul 18 2016, 7:49 PM · User-notice-archive, Language-Engineering July-September 2016, ULS-CompactLinks, UniversalLanguageSelector

Jul 16 2016

Epiq added a comment to T136677: Deployment of Compact Language Links.

Am I writing in the right place? This feature is very poorly executed, just awful. The list is a total mess. First of all, the distinction between "big languages" an "common languages" makes no sense to a regular Wikipedia reader (at least in Finnish). In which universe are Interlingua and Volapük "big languages"? The layout and organization of others is haphazard at best. Under "North America" for instance, I might expect to find English, but instead I have Dutch. Seriously? Not to mention the fact that it's simply a poor idea to hide all of these language links behind a click – and into a freaking popup window – and attempt to categorize them geographically.

Jul 16 2016, 11:06 AM · User-notice-archive, Language-Engineering July-September 2016, ULS-CompactLinks, UniversalLanguageSelector