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User Details

User Since
Mar 9 2020, 1:54 PM (220 w, 4 d)
MediaWiki User
Sseidmed [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Mar 17 2020

Sseidmed added a comment to T246013: Outreachy Application Task: Simple example of topic classification.

Hey all! I seem to be getting a hang of this project and the functions, with trial and error. In the second function, we are looking to have properties and values as outputs. What exactly do those properties and values describe about a particular page/article? What kind of information do they give us?

Hey! on the wikidata page for a particular topic, there will be subheading ' Statements' , under that the left column are the properties and the right columns are the corresponding values. you can hover over the hyperlinks to get the P codes and the Q codes (qid ) , if some value does not show a Q code, then the corresponding wikidata page does not exist. Hope this helps :)

Mar 17 2020, 3:09 PM · Outreachy (Round 20)

Mar 16 2020

Sseidmed added a comment to T246013: Outreachy Application Task: Simple example of topic classification.

Hey all! I seem to be getting a hang of this project and the functions, with trial and error. In the second function, we are looking to have properties and values as outputs. What exactly do those properties and values describe about a particular page/article? What kind of information do they give us?

Mar 16 2020, 7:13 PM · Outreachy (Round 20)

Mar 12 2020

Sseidmed added a comment to T245848: Productionize Wikidata-based Topic Model on ORES.

Hey all! I need someone's help. I am trying to understand how APIs work. Is it better to add parameters as a separate dictionary and pass it as an argument alongside the URL to .get method or pass the parameters within the URL itself? I can screenshot my problem as well if needed. Apologies, I have never worked on open source or even asked for help online.

Hey @Sseidmed if you are using a library that accepts a dictionary of parameters, that is usually going to be best as that library will also hopefully take care of encoding and some of the other things that you can do incorrectly if you try to generate the URL yourself. It is often much easier to understand the code as well, as opposed to trying to figure out everything that is included in a URL.

Mar 12 2020, 3:47 PM · Outreachy (Round 20), Outreach-Programs-Projects
Sseidmed added a comment to T245848: Productionize Wikidata-based Topic Model on ORES.

Hey all! I need someone's help. I am trying to understand how APIs work. Is it better to add parameters as a separate dictionary and pass it as an argument alongside the URL to .get method or pass the parameters within the URL itself? I can screenshot my problem as well if needed. Apologies, I have never worked on open source or even asked for help online.

Mar 12 2020, 1:59 PM · Outreachy (Round 20), Outreach-Programs-Projects

Mar 11 2020

Sseidmed added a comment to T245848: Productionize Wikidata-based Topic Model on ORES.

Hi all! My name is Shahlo. I am originally from Turkmenistan, but currently live and work in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA). I don't have a degree in Computer Science or any other discipline related to it. I am self-taught in Python and Ruby. I am sure I don't come anywhere close to those who possess wide experience and understanding of the topics we will be contributing to, so I am already feeling a bit intimidated with the assignment. But I am here to learn, so I plan to do my best!

Mar 11 2020, 1:56 PM · Outreachy (Round 20), Outreach-Programs-Projects