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nodejs 6.11
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Task to track the build and rollout to affected node-based services (since they'll need to be tested against the new release)

The following services needed to be tested with 6.11:

  • aqs
  • restbase
  • kartotherian (maps)
  • tilerator (maps)
  • etherpad
  • parsoid
  • pivot
  • graphoid (scb)
  • citoid (scb)
  • eventstreams (scb)
  • cxserver (scb)
  • mathoid (scb)
  • mobileapps (scb)
  • recommendation-api (scb)
  • changeprop (scb)
  • electron (scb)
  • trending-edits (scb)

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-14T09:57:47Z] <moritzm> uploaded nodejs_6.11.0~dfsg-1+wmf to (for jessie and stretch) (T170548)

mobrovac added subscribers: elukey, Gehel, bearND and 3 others.

@Ottomata @bearND @Gehel @elukey @akosiaris could you please check and make sure your respective services work on node 6.11? We plan rolling it out next week.

I ran our battery of tests for Parsoid and everything seems fine. It'd be preferable to upgrade ruthenium to v6.11.0 first, and then we can do a run of rountrip testing there before putting it in production.

@Arlolra : Sure, I can upgrade ruthenium on Monday

etherpad tested with 6.11 and etherpad1001 has been upgraded already.

@Arlolra : ruthenium has been updated to 6.11

Thanks, I started an rt test run.

@Arlolra : ruthenium has been updated to 6.11

Any reason that's not v6.11.1? The .1 patch is a security release.

My guess would be that it got packaged around the same time of the release of v6.11.1 (it came out 2017-07-11). This update resolves one security patch - CVE-2017-1000381 - which would be nice to have, as we are in the middle of the transition. @MoritzMuehlenhoff could you package v6.11.1 perhaps?

The security fixes from 6.11.1 are of course all part of our package already, see the included changelog.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff Is 6.11.1 available in Labs or Beta? Good to test it there too.

Local testing with nodejs 6.11.1~dfsg-1 and cxserver looks good. I'll retest today and update here.

@KartikMistry : The new nodejs packages are already uploaded to for jessie and stretch, so can be used for testing in labs.

Thanks @MoritzMuehlenhoff cxserver in local and Labs with upgraded nodejs packages looks good. All tests are passing and no issues in service.

I have managed to test all of the services running on SCB and they all work under NodeJS v6.11. We are ready to move on SCB.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-25T18:28:32Z] <mobrovac> restbase upgrading node to v6.11 - T170548

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-25T18:41:19Z] <mobrovac@tin> Started deploy [restbase/deploy@36ca85f]: Switch to Node v6.11 - T170548

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2017-07-25T18:46:36Z] <mobrovac@tin> Finished deploy [restbase/deploy@36ca85f]: Switch to Node v6.11 - T170548 (duration: 05m 17s)

Change 367719 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367719 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367720 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/eventstreams@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367721 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/graphoid@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367720 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/eventstreams@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367721 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/graphoid@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367722 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/mathoid@master] Switch to Node v6.11; release v0.6.5

Change 367723 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/mobileapps@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367722 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/mathoid@master] Switch to Node v6.11; release v0.6.5

Change 367723 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/mobileapps@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367724 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/trending-edits@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367725 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/recommendation-api@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367724 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/trending-edits@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367725 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/recommendation-api@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367727 had a related patch set uploaded (by Mobrovac; owner: Mobrovac):
[mediawiki/services/electron-render@master] Switch to Node v6.11

Change 367727 merged by Mobrovac:
[mediawiki/services/electron-render@master] Switch to Node v6.11

@Gehel (and @debt): I see a couple maps items at the top of this list. Is this something you are or should be aware of?

@ksmith and @Gehel - I believe we updated maps to use node 6 in these tickets: T150354 and T158984.

@MaxSem - is there more to do, that you know of?

@debt , @ksmith : We currently use nodejs 6.9 in the production cluster and are migrating to 6.11. While 6.x is an LTS release, there's a sizable number of changes in the releases between 6.9 and 6.11, which makes it recommendable to re-test kartotherian and tilerator with 6.11 before we upgrade nodejs on the maps servers. It's not likely that changes willl be needed, but better safe than sorry.

FYI, all of the SCB services have been migrated.

@debt, I have no idea whether it works 6.11 or not. It needs to be tested.

debt added a subscriber: Pnorman.

Thanks, @MaxSem, we'll see if we can figure out how to test it on our maps-test cluster with @Gehel and @Pnorman

debt triaged this task as High priority.Aug 22 2017, 7:10 PM

The maps-test cluster is nearly done with being re-imaged and once it's fully rebuilt, we'll take a look at this.

maps is finally upgraded to nodejs 6.11.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff: according to this ticket, aqs still needs to be done, I'll let you check that and close when needed.

MoritzMuehlenhoff updated the task description. (Show Details)

maps is finally upgraded to nodejs 6.11.

@MoritzMuehlenhoff: according to this ticket, aqs still needs to be done, I'll let you check that and close when needed.

Thanks. aqs is already done, I just forgot to tick it off. Closing.

Arlolra closed subtask Restricted Task as Resolved.Apr 23 2024, 9:26 PM