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hw troubleshooting: move cloudcephmon1003.eqiad.wmnet from rack B2 to rack C8
Closed, ResolvedPublicRequest


  • - Provide FQDN of system.


  • - If other than a hard drive issue, please depool the machine (and confirm that it’s been depooled) for us to work on it. If not, please provide time frame for us to take the machine down.
  • - Put system into a failed state in Netbox.

@dcaro to update and confirm when ready

  • - Provide urgency of request, along with justification (redundancy, dependencies, etc)

See T297083. Non-urgent request, with the desire to have better physical redundancy across different racks.

N/A. Hardware is functioning properly, but need to split monitoring servers to distinct physical racks.

  • - Assign correct project tag and appropriate owner (based on above). Also, please ensure the service owners of the host(s) are added as subscribers to provide any additional input.

Please move cloudcephmon1003.eqiad.wmnet from rack B2 to rack C8. This will bring it into a WMCS reserved rack, as well as increase physical redundancy for the service. These boxes need a single 10G connection on the cloud-hosts1-eqiad VLAN.

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@dcaro I'll note that this cephmon is currently connected to a core switch, and not a cloudsw. It only requires a single 10G port and there's space for it in the new rack (including a port). But wanted to raise awareness in case this has any implications for networking thoughts.

@Cmjohnson feel free to move it yes, just make sure to ping us when you start/end (@nskaggs is clinic duty this week).

@dcaro I want to do this now, will that be okay?

Cmjohnson updated the task description. (Show Details)

Made this more complicated than it needed to be, I didn't realize that IP would not need to change so I deleted all the interfaces and added new IP addresses for everything, only to find out that it was needed. Took the downtime and updated network firmware and BIOS.