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Add an Image: experiment analysis
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Similarly as we've done previously for Add a Link in T286816, we're interested in understanding the effect of Add an Image. In the experiment the treatment group (40% of new registrations) got Add an Image as their default task. Another 40% of registrations got Add a Link, while the remaining 20% were in the control group and did not get the Growth features.

Like we did for Add a Link, we'll focus on our KPIs:

  • Activation
  • Retention
  • Productivity
  • Revert rate

Additional parts might be added based on questions coming out of the leading indicators (T296364) or the funnel analyses (T300683 and T306845).

Event Timeline

mpopov triaged this task as Medium priority.Jun 28 2022, 5:10 PM
mpopov moved this task from Triage to Upcoming Quarter on the Product-Analytics board.

Seems like this doesn't go into our current sprint, but @nettrom_WMF please move it if I'm wrong about that. Thanks!

Moving this into the Product Analytics Kanban board as we'll be looking to start this soon.

Moving this off the PA kanban and Growth sprint boards for now, we'll pick this up again in Q3.

@CBogen - Just FYI, this task has been put on hold a few times due to higher priorities (Newcomer Pilot Experiment analysis, Positive Reinforcement analysis, etc.) but please let me know if there is a deadline (or specific data needed) for SDAW reporting reasons. Thanks!

@CBogen - Just FYI, this task has been put on hold a few times due to higher priorities (Newcomer Pilot Experiment analysis, Positive Reinforcement analysis, etc.) but please let me know if there is a deadline (or specific data needed) for SDAW reporting reasons. Thanks!

@KStoller-WMF, thanks for asking! This information would be really helpful for reporting for SDAW. Do you think we could have it by August 1st so that we can include it in the grant report due on Sept 1?

DannyS712 subscribed.

Move out of hidden column

Just a note that we can consider this resolved once we add a summary here:

@nettrom_WMF let me know if you prefer I write up the summary. Thanks!

The report from the analysis is now on-wiki:,_March_2024

I'll wrap up this task by reviewing the related notebooks and push them to GitLab.

I've reviewed the notebooks so they're in line with the Data Publication guidelines and submitted the publication form. The notebooks are now available on GitLab: