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Add interface for extension properties to Parser
Open, Needs TriagePublic


PHP 8.2 deprecates the dynamic creation of properties on PHP classes (T314099: PHP 8.2: Dynamic property creation is deprecated). While this can be suppressed (and in some cases, may be the simplest short term fix), we should look at moving away from this pattern in the Parser longer term.

It's common for extensions to add their own properties to the parser; T324890: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Parser::$extTemplateStylesCache is deprecated in Hooks.php on line 208, T324891: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Parser::$scribunto_engine is deprecated and T324901: Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Parser::$extCite is deprecated in CiteParserTagHooks.php on line 94 for example.

On which would add #[AllowDynamicProperties] to Parser, @Tgr suggested a longer term improvement for this:

Maybe Parser could have a mechanism for getting/setting extension properties, like ParserOutput does.

Event Timeline

Could these extensions use ParserOutput's mechanism already? Not sure whether there's a benefit in using fields on Parser itself here.

Could these extensions use ParserOutput's mechanism already? Not sure whether there's a benefit in using fields on Parser itself here.

Certainly possible. This task was mostly filed as the followup to the attribute. If that works fine for the purposes, why not?

ParserOutput extension properties get stored in the parser cache, while storing data on the parser is typically for in-process caching or for coordinating between multiple calls to the magic word handler.

Change 921264 had a related patch set uploaded (by TK-999; author: TK-999):

[mediawiki/core@master] Introduce ParserOutput::{get,set}EphemeralExtensionData()

The proposed 'ephemeral data' patch is incompatible with T300979: Ensure ParserOutput can always be combined asynchronously/out-of-order. The data actually needs to make it into some form of storage (why not the parser cache) in order to allow (eventual) asynchronous fragment rendering to work. Adding properties to the Parser object is also not going to work with Parsoid, because in the transition period some parts of the page are going to be parsed with a LegacyParser object and other with a ParsoidParser object; there's no guarantee all wikitext on the page is going to get exactly the same parser object.

So let's look for other ways to do this.