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Fatal Error when trying to access translation draft
Closed, ResolvedPublicPRODUCTION ERROR



I am receiving a "fatal error" message and the draft (Spanish to English) won't load. I did find a ticket with similar issues described from 2019 here: T224715: tool translate: people having problem with load which does not complete. And, as mentioned by a few users in that thread, I had added a reference to the draft translation that was not in the original the last time I worked on it. This has never happened before, but then I usually add citations after I publish.

The link to the translation is:

And the topic is: Maria Elena Bernal

I am uploading a screenshot of the message blow.

Screen Shot 2023-01-06 at 8.24.46 PM.png (812×1 px, 101 KB)

My hope is that I can access the draft again without having to start over.


Event Timeline

Reedy changed the subtype of this task from "Bug Report" to "Production Error".

Yes have had the same error reported recently in Japanese.

image.png (473×1 px, 49 KB)
Would be good to be able to get these back.

I can confirm that these two issues are reproducible,
en->es Maria Elena Bernal , translation Id is 1905842*&translationid=1905842
is throwing API error.

Similarly for en->ja User:Mr. Ibrahem/Blepharitis, translation Id is 1893225*&translationid=1893225
This is also throwing API error

santhosh triaged this task as High priority.Jan 9 2023, 8:34 AM

Found that the issue exists for all translations where the user added a category. And the issue is because of T326278: Error: Cannot use object of type ContentTranslation\DTO\TranslationUnitDTO as array

The fixes were deployed.
Could you please confirm if you are able to restore your translation now? @Samlevine

@santhosh Yes! Thank you so much :) I can now see it. And thank you to everyone for working on this and addressing the issue so quickly, I am impressed.

@santhosh in the scenario below, although the translations in progress are a bit old, none of them would load. Please advice here

Test status: QA PASS

this is working well now