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Support with getting community input in new mobile diff designs for the Moderator Tools team
Closed, ResolvedPublic


What is the problem/what do you want to achieve?

We have published some proposed redesigns for the Diff page on mobile (the Minerva skin specifically) at We've posted in a handful of places about this but have struggled to get much in the way of community input. We really feel like this would value from more wide ranging input and discussion.

How can we help you?

Identifying strategies for reaching out to editors, particularly mobile web users, and writing/translating motivational messages to get people involved in sharing their opinions.

What does success look like?

We get input from editors from multiple communities, ideally mobile web users, and receive actionable feedback on our designs.

What is your deadline?

End of Q4 - we're prioritising other work until then but would love to have these designs in more a finalised form by the start of next fiscal year.

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF renamed this task from Support with getting community input in new mobile diff designs to Support with getting community input in new mobile diff designs for the Moderator Tools team.Mar 21 2023, 5:07 PM

(Now also on Asana, triaging. Thanks for filing. Will likely set up time with you next week or something.)

Sam and I talked and I recommended expanding the list of wikis he reached out to/individuals, at the intersection of "uses mobile" x "does patrolling".
I've also provided advice on a strategy where he seeks translations first and then he moves forward with contacting people.

Ciao @Samwalton9 : any other needs re: this task, or are we done here? TY.

Ciao @Samwalton9 : any other needs re: this task, or are we done here? TY.

I still need to do the new round of announcements/contact but I think you've provided all the advice I need, thanks!