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Use Bengali numerals for page numbers while exporting to PDF from Bengali Wikisource
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Currently, while exporting texts through WS-Export tool, Arabic numerals are added as page numbers. Instead, it should add Bengali numerals for Bengali Wikisource texts.

Screenshot from 2023-08-29 19-19-48.png (102×860 px, 15 KB)

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

@Samwilson , is there any way to do it through Epub.css?

I'm not sure, I think it'd be tricky via CSS only.

It may be possible via the --pdf-page-number-map option for ebook-convert:

Adjust page numbers, as needed. Syntax is a JavaScript expression for the page number. For example, "if (n < 3) 0; else n - 3;", where n is current page number.

It'd be great if we could use the same feature to fix up frontmatter and other systems of numbering pages (for which I thought there was a task, but I can't find one now).

Customizing --pdf-page-number-map could be done as part of a parser function, which is discussed in T275003.

Just to confirm: this is for PDF export isn't it? For epub, I'd imagine that it's up to the ereader to display whatever it wants.

Just to confirm: this is for PDF export isn't it? For epub, I'd imagine that it's up to the ereader to display whatever it wants.

yes, that's correct

Samwilson renamed this task from Add Bengali numerals for page numbers while exporting from Bengali Wikisource to Use Bengali numerals for page numbers while exporting to PDF from Bengali Wikisource.Sep 15 2023, 6:34 AM
JWheeler-WMF subscribed.

Though it is a valid request, this is a feature optimization that CommTech does not have capacity to support today.

@JWheeler-WMF In that case, feel free to remove the team's project tag if contributed patches are welcome for a valid open issue. Thanks!