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Requesting analytics-privatedata-users access for amastilovic
Closed, ResolvedPublicRequest


I'm a new developer on the Platform Engineering and Analytics teams. I will need access to some of the analytics systems.
I signed the L3 agreement at; I will ask my manager to give an ack in comments.

Email is:
Wikitech username is: amastilovic . This should be the shell username too.
Pub key for production env is available at:

I will need to be in the following groups:


I will also need a kerberos principal.

Event Timeline

As @amastilovic manager I approve the access request.

Ahoelzl renamed this task from Requesting access for amastilovic to Requesting analytics-privatedata-users access for amastilovic.Jan 25 2024, 6:43 PM

@RLazarus an ETA / update on the request would be very much appreciated. Cluster access is a key step for onboarding Aleksandar to my engineering team. Thank you!

Thanks @RLazarus

Apologies @Ahoelzl This will be done as soon as @odimitrijevic / @Milimetric approve the request.

Change 993170 had a related patch set uploaded (by AOkoth; author: AOkoth):

[operations/puppet@production] admin: add amastilovic to analytics-privatedata

Hi @MoritzMuehlenhoff ,

I need access to the following (from the wiki page you provided):

LDAP membership in the wmf or nda LDAP group.
Shell (posix) membership in the analytics-privatedata-users group
An ssh key for your shell user
A Kerberos principal

Aleksandar Mastilovic

MoritzMuehlenhoff added a subscriber: Eevans.

@amastilovic Thanks.

Reassigning to @Eevans as the current SRE on our weekly clinic duty.

@amastilovic Thanks.

Reassigning to @Eevans as the current SRE on our weekly clinic duty.

I'm on-call actually. @ABran-WMF seems to be the right person for clinic duty.

@Eevans @ABran-WMF can you help us move this over the finishing line? It's blocking Aleksandar from getting productive in the data engineering team. Thank you!

Change 993170 merged by Arnaudb:

[operations/puppet@production] admin: add amastilovic to analytics-privatedata

Just merged :-)

For the general information, it seems that the request form differs a bit from the initial demand of this task, but I think we managed to get everything done properly. Please let us know if there is something more we can do!