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l10n-bot not self-approving patches
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The bot doesn't seem to be giving its +2 to its patches - after ~30 minutes (and confirming that the zuul queue was clear in case the bot waits for that) I gave a +2 for a bunch, e.g., but the bot really should be doing this itself.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
DannyS712 moved this task from Unsorted to Reports on the User-DannyS712 board.
DannyS712 added subscribers: Raymond, Nikerabbit.

Sorry if I didn't tag the right projects, wasn't sure where this should go

Because its not giving its own +2 the full tests for the gate-and-submit pipeline are running instead of the dedicated i18n tests, so this is taking up more CI processing and also leads to unrelated failures that then need to be manually merged (example

Sorry for the late answer, I was sick last days. I think this happend after starting the export script/bot on the shell and my laptop lost internet connectiontion during the script run. I spotted this issue in the past but was able to fix it. But not this week due due sickness.

@Nikerabbit maybe it is time to export MediaWiki automatically now too?

@Nikerabbit maybe it is time to export MediaWiki automatically now too?

We can setup that. What schedule do you recommend?

@Nikerabbit maybe it is time to export MediaWiki automatically now too?

We can setup that. What schedule do you recommend?

Moday-Friday at 3 UTC would be good for me.

Nikerabbit claimed this task.

I created a separate task for the automation.