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Request donatewiki redirect
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Hi SRE, we have a relatively high profile fundraising opportunity coming up and we'd like to drive donations to a short URL. Specifically, we'd like created, and have it redirect to this donation page:

Ideally we'd want this in place before the launch of the opportunity (a podcast) - by February 20th would be great.

Thanks in advance!

Event Timeline

RLazarus added subscribers: Dwisehaupt, Jgreen.

Hi from Service Ops SRE!

@AKanji-WMF How long would you like the redirect to stay active?

Adding @Jgreen and @Dwisehaupt from FR-Tech SRE, as I'm not sure where we've historically drawn the responsibility for changes like this. If you're comfortable writing an apache config patch for this redirect, feel free to send me the review, and I'm happy to help with merging, testing, and deploying it. If you haven't gone near that stuff before, I'll confer with my team and we can probably take care of it (but, in future, the more advance notice you can give us, the better).

Thank you @RLazarus ! The fundraising team would like the redirect to be active for two years - considering the life cycle of the podcast and surrounding marketing campaigns. @Jgreen will defer to you on Reuven's question as to who will author the initial patch.

@RLazarus Does this really need an apache config patch or just an update to the redirect rules in hieradata/common/mediawiki.yaml?

Sorry yeah, I was using the term broadly. The goal is to edit the Apache config, but that hieradata file is how you'd do it. :)

Change 1003515 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dwisehaupt; author: Dwisehaupt):

[operations/puppet@production] Add wikihole redirect for donatewiki

Change 1003525 had a related patch set uploaded (by Scott French; author: Scott French):

[operations/puppet@production] httpbb: add redirect tests

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-15T17:05:30Z] <swfrench-wmf> disabling puppet shortly on mediawiki::webserver hosts to deploy T357436

Change 1003515 merged by Scott French:

[operations/puppet@production] Add wikihole redirect for donatewiki

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2024-02-15T17:48:32Z] <swfrench-wmf> reenabled puppet on mediawiki::webserver hosts after deploying for T357436

Change 1003525 merged by Scott French:

[operations/puppet@production] httpbb: add redirect tests

Thanks to @Dwisehaupt for preparing the config patch and @RLazarus for assistance deploying it.

The change is now live and appears to be working as expected.

Scott_French claimed this task.