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[Session] Introduction to Wikibase Suite
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  • Title of session (the more detailed, the better!): Introduction to Wikibase Suite
  • Session description: An introduction to Wikibase Suite. A still fairly young product within the Wikibase family. What it is and how it's built.
  • Username for contact: @darthmon_wmde
  • Session duration (25 or 50 min): 25min
  • Session type (presentation, workshop, discussion, etc.): presentation including Q+A
  • Language of session (English, Arabic, etc.): English
  • Prerequisites (some Python, etc.): none
  • Any other details to share?: the goal is to give the attendees an overview of the Wikibase Suite project: what it is, how it's built and what its aim is. I will also talk about last improvements that we have implemented and the and the ongoing and upcoming ones
  • Interested? Add your username below:

Notes from session:

Introduction to Wikibase Suite

Date and time: 03.05.2024 12:00 - 12:30

Relevant links




Valerio Bozzolan
17 attendees


Introuction for Wikibase

what is wikibase suite
who is doing it
what have we done in 2023
what are we busy with now
plans for 2024

What is wikibase?

  • to wikibase is free software to stroe and organize _

+ collaborative editing
+ machine / human readable
Open data + Linked data

what does it offer?
Use your own data model, accessible via MediaWiki interface
querable thru sparkle

wikebase is ideal for:

 -structured data
 -collaborative porjects
 -data that is human and machines

-MUL labelling

what IS wikibase suite

  • self containerised self-hosted knowledge graph

WBS+WBCloud born from Adam AddShore project. Became the current self-hosted solution.
Team = The Sweeties

What we've done so far:

    • improve/stabilise testing suite, modernise release tools, streamline release process, build process, upgrade deprecated dependencies
    • Decrease 'Time to Release'
    • also analysed data from user survey
    • decided to suppor docker installation and upgrade paths
  • Define production ready solution reqs.

What we're working now:

    • semver versioning scheme
    • version the whole suite and containers, marking changes in the software
    • providing the production ready solution, with smooth upgrades
    • writing guidelines to support external contributions
  • wikibase landing page for docs on

2024 Plans:

  • roadmap for community feedback / alignment
  • doc improvements
  • import large amounts of data
  • developer focused support


How big is the wikibase suite team?

  • just a few people - a few engineers, PdM, reseacher, Comms

Wikibase cloud team - PdM, UI/UX, 5 engineers
Wikibase core - all folks work on that! :)

Wikibase is the base - then Wiki Cloud uses that as a service, build into a package to download

how to set up configuration - can wikidata be connected to this out of the box?

  • if you use an action API, won't see federation
  • if you consume as sparkle query, you can use that other places (to grab the data)
  • hard choice to be part of wikidata...with data graphs.

What do you think of using __ for purpose?

  • sounds like it's too much, but depends on the potential of the system that you want to have, worth a try


(live demo - from buying a new server to production) (yay!)
Found a bug in the demo - ran into using it too many times already during the day and ran out of what we could do as a free service for creating certificates ;-)

  • and then - got it to work! yay!



Event Timeline

Hello! 👋 The 2024 Hackathon Program is now open for scheduling! If you are still interested in organizing a session, you can claim a slot on a first-come, first-serve basis by adding your session to the daily program, following these instructions. We look forward to hearing your presentation!

Hello @darthmon_wmde can you put your task information in the format specified here, please?

Hello @darthmon_wmde can you put your task information in the format specified here, please?

on it! sorry for missing that!

debt triaged this task as Medium priority.Apr 17 2024, 6:58 PM

Thanks again for presenting this introduction to Wikibase! I had a good time. As promised, here some pictures! Thanks for posing: - group photo - first slide - live installation

As requested I've only mentioned the Phabricator usernames 🌈 see you! edits are welcome! :)