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Local interlanguage links don’t work with Parsoid read views
Open, Needs TriagePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. Open
  2. Notice that there are a couple of interlanguage links in the language selector / sidebar.
  3. Open

Actual result

  1. Notice that there are no interlanguage links in the language selector / sidebar.

Expected result

  1. Notice that the same interlanguage links continue to appear.

Other information

Wikidata-based interlanguage links continue to appear using Parsoid, which both makes the issue less severe and made it more challenging to find out the root cause (I experienced it first in an article that has both Wikidata-based and local interlanguage links, so I only saw that the Wikidata-based one overrides the local one).

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Bugreporter subscribed.

The simple way to reproduce is using user page: - until we resolved T168792, interlanguage links of user pages are still stored locally.

ssastry added subscribers: Jgiannelos, cscott, ssastry.

Similar to T351931, this may just be another case where Parsoid isn't adding these links to metadata?

Note: please make sure local interlanguage link will override those provided by Wikibase amd Cognate.

Similar to T351931, this may just be another case where Parsoid isn't adding these links to metadata?

The method just below the one touched by the patch for T351931 contains a comment saying

TODO: […] when calling ContentMetadataCollector::addLanguageLink() here (which we should eventualy be doing)

so yeah, that may be the culprit.

Yeah, it's "just" missing metadata -- I wasn't aware that interlanguage links were actually used in production (I thought they were /replaced/ by wikidata, instead of just /supplementing/ wikidata) so I didn't prioritize this work. But it should be fixed as part of the Parsoid metadata work which @Jgiannelos is doing.

ihurbain subscribed.

Change #1036294 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jgiannelos; author: Jgiannelos):

[mediawiki/services/parsoid@master] Add local interlanguage links to page metadata