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MinT MVP: Confirm
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As part of MinT for Wikipedia Readers MVP (T359072), this ticket proposes to provide users with a confirmation step once the topic to translate is selected (T359494) and before users gets into the machine translated contents (T359801).

This "Confirm" step is helpful in several ways:

  • As a destination of external tools/pages.
  • As an opportunity to adjust the language pair for the machine translation, and explore the available content from the different source languages in which the content is available.
  • As a way to discover that the target language community may have human-created content that can be read as an alternative/complement to the machine translation.

MinT Selected Topic.png (950×320 px, 103 KB)

Design details

This step includes the following elements:

  • Header. Design an functionality is same as in the "Home" step (T359401).
  • Selected topic card. A card showing details about the selected article with information from the source language Wikipedia and translations into the target language. In particular, it shows the thumbnail image, the title in both source and target languages and the initial sentences from the article (up to 4 lines) machine translated into the target language. A "View automatic translation" action with the special page icon communicates that when tapped, the card will lead to the translation view next. See the Card Codex component (note that this instance uses the "portrait" orientation that is still pending implementation in T310632).
    • The card for the selected article will have the input focus initially, and pressing enter will trigger the navigation to the "Translation view" step.
  • Language pair selection. This part includes an introduction text and the language selection actions. The introduction text surfaces the number of languages the article is available in as a way to encourage exploring them. Language selection actions are supported by two standard buttons with an ArrowNext icon between them. The source language button leads users to the "Explore languages" view (T359863) to explore the contents available in the different languages. The target language button leads to the standard language selection to change the target language.
    • The language pair selection will initially reflect the previous selection from the "Home" step but in the current step it does not provide an "All" option. If "All" was previously selected for the source language in the previous step, it will be changed to select the source language with most sections available (excluding the target language). The specific approach will be defined in a separate ticket (T363681). This element is based on the standard Button Codex component.
    • The text: "Explore how this topic is covered in X different languages." with X as the number of languages in which the page is available.
  • Action to search another topic. Option to navigate back to the "Home" step to make a different selection.
  • Local content panel. At the bottom of the view a panel is shown only when the selected article is already present in the target language. In such case, the local content panel will include:
    • Title "Written by <target-language> editors" with UserGroup icon.
    • Article card showing the article title and Wikidata description (up to two lines) in the target language and the "Read article" label with the Article icon. The card will link to the article in the target Wikipedia, opening it into a new window/tab. See the Card Codex component.

Additional considerations

  • This serves as a common destination for other entry points to translation. For the url parameters only an identified of the page is mandatory. Source and target language codes can be also indicated but they should not be mandatory. In the absence of a source language one will be selected automatically. In the absence of the target language, the card will become inactive and the selector will get the focus and display the "select" label for the user to chose one.
  • View in Figma

Related Objects

Event Timeline

Pginer-WMF created this task.
Pginer-WMF moved this task from Backlog to Product integration on the MinT board.

Change #1025383 had a related patch set uploaded (by Nik Gkountas; author: Nik Gkountas):

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] MinT MVP: Introduce confirm topic page

Change #1025383 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/ContentTranslation@master] MinT MVP: Introduce confirm topic page

Test status: QA PASS

Verified for the following:

  • Header
  • Selected topic card
  • Language pair selection ( Ensure language can be changed)
  • Action to search another topic ( Ensure another topic can be searched for and selected)
  • Local content panel