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Greyed out content (wwt-disabled)
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Running WTT on returns some content greyed out (e.g. the last line of the lede), with the class wwt-disabled — if this is not a bug, an informative reason for authorship information being missing would be useful.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

@MusikAnimal is this a bug or is the feature behaving the way it should? On the link that @TheresNoTime shared, I am still seeing the grey text.

@MusikAnimal is this a bug or is the feature behaving the way it should? On the link that @TheresNoTime shared, I am still seeing the grey text.

Bug, but most likely in WikiWho and not Who Wrote That. All that means is that it's probably hard to fix. I'd need to do more investigation to be sure.

Experiencing the same thing on Jueteng; everything below the etymology sections seems to be greyed out. I checked the source and there's nothing popping up I can see that should be an issue.