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Tripleclicking the name should select only the name, not also the ZID
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When in the titlebar I tripleclick the name of an object, it selects both the name and the ZID.

I.e. if you go to and tripleclick on join, it selects "join strings Z10000" (but weirdly not the brackets around the ZID).

It feels more intuitive if it were only selecting the name i.e. "join strings" in this case.

Event Timeline

DVrandecic added a subscriber: AAlhazwani-WMF.

First check with @AAlhazwani-WMF whether he agrees with this task

Note in Wikidata triple clicking will select label, ID and the bracket.

Mcastro triaged this task as Lowest priority.Mar 14 2024, 4:51 PM
Mcastro moved this task from To triage to Backlog on the Abstract Wikipedia team board.

I.e. if you go to and tripleclick on join, it selects "join strings Z10000" (but weirdly not the brackets around the ZID).

@DVrandecic this happens because the parenthesis are specified as pseudo elements via ::before and ::after

image.png (196×342 px, 20 KB)

Note in Wikidata triple clicking will select label, ID and the bracket.

exact, in wikidata triple-click selects the whole thing because the parenthesis are in the actual text.

image.png (142×586 px, 21 KB)

i'm not aware (yet!) of the community use cases/needs for this. when they triple-click, is that because they need the whole object name, eg. "join strings", or is it because they need the whole content of the header "join strings (Z10000)".

i was trying to find some establish conventions, but there's not much around triple-click. i found this well-answered question on stack overflow, and an article (with issues) on wikipedia

that said, it seems that the expected behavior is to select the whole "sentence", similarly to word processors, so parenthesis included.

Hm, I don't care so much about the brackets.

I never needed the name and the ZIDs at once, but maybe it is just me.

I am moving this from "Ready" to "No current plans" because we don't have agreement on whether something needs to happen here. We can use it to collect comments from the community. If they call for a change of the current behavior, they can request it here and we can reconsider it. Otherwise, no further action is needed.