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Taavi knowledge transfer: Toolforge k8s upgrades
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Taavi says:

** I keep the Toolforge Kubernetes cluster up-to-date. The Kubernetes project releases three new versions a year, and we can't skip a release, so these tend to backlog rather quickly if they're neglected. Example: <-- arturo, Raymond, slavina

There should be time for someone to ride along on an upgrade, if that hasn't happened recently.

Event Timeline


Apr 23, 2024 |  Toolforge - Kubernetes 
Attendees: Andrew Bogott Arturo Borrero David Caro Raymond Olisaemeka Taavi Väänänen Slavina Stefanova

* K8s upgrades
   * We are a few years behind
   * Upstream does 3 releases/year
   * We want to catch up -> this means making extra effort at the beginning to upgrade **more often** than upstream
   * Then stabilize at the same pace at upstream
* Loki
   * Looks promising, have to do a re-POC as it has been a while since
   * How does quotas work? -> find out
   * Stored in S3
* Maintain-kubeusers
   * Probably keep the current VCS tests to be able to run on CI without having to setup a full toolforge setup
      * Try to improve the usage (recording/updating/etc.)
      * Maybe use it in other places too
   * Currently running on lima-kilo (arturo added the component not long ago)

Action items
* Create task to bootstrap upgrade working group (with the people in the meeting), to see how we want to organize ourselves
* Discuss striker tomorrow, if there's not enough time then schedule a meeting