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Special:AllEvents displays only one organizer per event
Open, In Progress, Needs TriagePublic3 Estimated Story Points

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Apr 30 2024, 7:17 PM
Referenced Files
F53609671: image.png
Fri, May 17, 3:30 PM
F53609908: image.png
Fri, May 17, 3:30 PM
F53357964: image.png
Wed, May 15, 5:36 PM
F53357483: image.png
Wed, May 15, 5:36 PM
F53357829: image.png
Wed, May 15, 5:36 PM
F53356831: image.png
Wed, May 15, 5:25 PM
F49500276: Screen Recording 2024-04-30 at 2.15.19 PM.gif
Apr 30 2024, 7:17 PM


As a user of the Event List, I want to see multiple event organizers listed per each event and to know how many organizers there are total, so I can see if I can receive a more complete picture of the people behind the event, which can help me make a decision on whether or not to attend the event.

Background: Each event on Special:AllEvents displays only one organizer per event, regardless of how many organizers there are on the event. However, an event can have multiple organizers. For this reason, we want to update the behavior of the page so that it can display multiple organizers of an event.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Show a max of 2 organizers and show the number of remaining organizers not shown.
  • The meeting type and organizers should be on separate lines.
  • The organizer information can wrap to the next line if the usernames are long.
  • The number of the remaining organizers should be hyperlinked to the event details page
gif of current behavior
Screen Recording 2024-04-30 at 2.15.19 PM.gif (1×2 px, 1 MB)

Design specs

image.png (1×1 px, 250 KB)
image.png (644×940 px, 96 KB)

Event Timeline

@gonyeahialam thoughts on what to do here? I am thinking that if there are ten organizers (or even more than one really) it would not look great in the UI for Special:AllEvents. Wondering if we should include this field at all? Or other ideas?

vaughnwalters renamed this task from Special:AllEvents only displays one organizer per event to Special:AllEvents displays only one organizer per event.Apr 30 2024, 7:32 PM

Discussed today. Decision: we will work on this, but it is not considered a blocker. The idea is to show a limited number of organizers (maybe just 1), and then explicitly say that there are more organizers. Users can see the full list by opening the event. @gonyeahialam to explore design options.

Latest Design
Show a max of 2 organizers and show the number of remaining organizers not shown. Can wrap to the next line if the usernames are long.

image.png (276×940 px, 45 KB)
image.png (352×940 px, 49 KB)

image.png (2×1 px, 258 KB)

@ifried @VPuffetMichel @MHorsey-WMF let me know if you have any feedback, I have already presented it to @Daimona @cmelo.

gonyeahialam changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Wed, May 15, 5:39 PM
gonyeahialam claimed this task.
gonyeahialam edited projects, added Campaigns-Design; removed Campaign-Tools.

Latest Design
Show a max of 2 organizers and show the number of remaining organizers not shown. Can wrap to the next line if the usernames are long.

LGTM, just two minor questions:

  • The link in (e.g.) "3 more" should point to EventDetails, right?
  • Does there need to be a full stop at the end? It feels somewhat inconsistent

Thanks for sharing this, @gonyeahialam. I agree that we can remove the period at the end and also think the '3 more' should go to EventDetails. Otherwise, looks good!

Thanks for sharing this, @gonyeahialam. I agree that we can remove the period at the end and also think the '3 more' should go to EventDetails. Otherwise, looks good!

I agree

Thank you for these updates, @gonyeahialam! Is this ticket now ready to share with the engineers for estimation, in your view?

Thank you for these updates, @gonyeahialam! Is this ticket now ready to share with the engineers for estimation, in your view?


ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)

@gonyeahialam One question from T364606#9831082: should the meeting type and organizers always be on separate lines, even when there's just an organizer?

@gonyeahialam Pinging again, so we can get an answer to the above question

@gonyeahialam One question from T364606#9831082: should the meeting type and organizers always be on separate lines, even when there's just an organizer?

If we can easily make it responsive, yes

@gonyeahialam One question from T364606#9831082: should the meeting type and organizers always be on separate lines, even when there's just an organizer?

If we can easily make it responsive, yes

OK, thanks!

Change #1037782 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daimona Eaytoy; author: Daimona Eaytoy):

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] SpecialAllEvents: Place meeting type and organizers on separate lines

Change #1037788 had a related patch set uploaded (by Daimona Eaytoy; author: Daimona Eaytoy):

[mediawiki/extensions/CampaignEvents@master] SpecialAllEvents: Display more than one organizer