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Create Empty State for Special:MyInvitationLists
Open, Needs TriagePublic


As an organizer, I want to see basic information about Invitation Lists when I first access the tool, so that I can make a decision on whether I want to proceed to use the tool.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given that a user is on a Wikipedia wiki that has the CampaignEvents extension enabled,
    • And if the user has the Event Organizer right on that wiki,
      • They can access a new page called Special:MyInvitationLists
  • Given that a user is on Special:MyInvitationLists, they should see:
    • The page title "Invitation Lists"
    • Explanatory text: "Discover new participants for your events. Provide an article list and get a list of editors likely to be interested in your event."
    • Button "Create new invitation list"
  • Given that the user clicks on "Create new invitation list,"
    • They should be brought to Special:GenerateInvitationList
  • For non-Wikipedia wikis, we will handle the behavior in T365068

Design Specs

Event Timeline

ifried renamed this task from Create Empty State for Invitation Lists to Create Empty State for Special:MyInvitationLists.Mon, May 13, 9:53 PM
ifried created this task.
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)
ifried updated the task description. (Show Details)