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Special:MergeHistory causes incorrect byte change values in history
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When merging pages the article history byte change values are not corrected, In the attached file, Page B was created, as an updated version of page A, so I used Special:MergeHistory to combine them. However it creates incorrect byte size values in the history. The oldest edit created the page, edit two modified the page, and revision three was the creation of page B. It should register as +37, but its reading as the entire page size.

Capture.PNG (90×151 px, 2 KB)

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Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Dec 3 2014, 6:34 PM

Similar behaviour is on recent changes and user contributions lists, where first revisions of a page are marked with capital "N". When other (older) revisions are merged in front of the first revision, it is still marked with "N" in those lists, even though it is not first after the merge.

I think the N is correct in this place.

Is this a bug or feature? This is the only evidence that I'm aware of where Special:MergeHistory leaves any log on the target page indicating that another page was merged into it. There is no log entry, nor a no-changes edit that leaves an edit summary indicating a history-merge occurred at this edit. The telltale sign that a merge ooccurred at that edit is the fact that the edit ostensibly increased the page size from zero bytes, when the previous edit did not blank the page. SO to me, this is a useful feature in that it leaves a bit of evidence, albeit cryptic and hard to find, of where another page was histmerged in.

@Wbm1058 That should be considered as two separate bugs, definitely not as a feature.

Is this a bug or feature? This is the only evidence that I'm aware of where Special:MergeHistory leaves any log on the target page indicating that another page was merged into it. There is no log entry, nor a no-changes edit that leaves an edit summary indicating a history-merge occurred at this edit. The telltale sign that a merge ooccurred at that edit is the fact that the edit ostensibly increased the page size from zero bytes, when the previous edit did not blank the page. SO to me, this is a useful feature in that it leaves a bit of evidence, albeit cryptic and hard to find, of where another page was histmerged in.

It's a bug, in my opinion.

Not having anything in the page history sounds like a separate issue. I created a ticket earlier today to suggest leaving more evidence in the page history. T341760: Special:MergeHistory should place a null edit in the page's history describing the merge

It seems like T38976: Diffs: Incorrect number of bytes added or removed because rev_parent_id is set to wrong revision might have multiple causes such as Special:Import, Special:MergeHistory, etc.

This ticket is a very specific ticket to fix the known bugs that Special:MergeHistory is causing. I'll set this as a sub-task of the other ticket. This ticket can be closed when Special:MergeHistory is patched.

Changed my mind. This happened to me with undelete today too. This is best handled as part of the other ticket.