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Nishant_Nayan (Nishant Nayan)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Oct 4 2023, 7:05 AM (34 w, 5 d)
MediaWiki User
Sarcastic Speedster [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Oct 31 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347259: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals.

@Shashi.coding You might want to write/contact with Outreachy organizers, they might possibly consider extending the deadline if there are a lot of applicants who missed the submission.
Anyways, there's a very little hope for that but why lose it? :)

Oct 31 2023, 9:45 AM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 27 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347259: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals.

@Salwoch @PinRathod @Olvaa @Mezuo @Nishant_Nayan @Kate-bagenzo @Shashi.coding @Tuckwai @Anne and @ruthenanga. Please, do not forget to submit your tasks AND final application to the Outreachy platform!

Oct 27 2023, 9:55 AM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 16 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347259: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals.

With "kind of experience you are looking for", it's anything that demonstrates that you are well suited to do the project, which could be coding/documentation/etc. that you can link to as examples; involvement in the Wikimedia projects, other open source projects, etc. - it's an open question that is worth spending time answering to describe the background that you're coming from.

With the project timeline, I'm not sure what @Ederporto plans for this particular project, but I personally tend to view the timeline as part of the evaluation process (how well can you understand the scope of the project, and break it down into tasks you can realistically work on in 1-2 week timescales). I suggest you submit a draft timeline, but don't necessarily expect feedback on it before the deadline. If you're accepted for the project, then the timeline would be one of the first things to discuss and revise.

Oct 16 2023, 4:18 AM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 7 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T348380: Content Translation duplicates the reference text.

Hi, I'm Nishant, first time Outreachy applicant.
I have completed both microtasks for
I'm interested in working on this issue. Can you please assign this task to me?

Hi and thank you for your interest! Please check thoroughly (and all of its communication section!). The page covers how to get started, assigning tasks, task status, how to find a codebase, how to create patches, where to ask general development questions and where to get help with setup problems, and how to ask good questions. Thanks a lot! :)

Oct 7 2023, 3:07 PM · CX-cxserver
Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347737: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals - Task 1.

Hi mentors, here's the link to my solution for Task 1 - Github Repository Link.
Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
Thank you!

Oct 7 2023, 2:36 PM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 5 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347784: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals - Task 2.

Hi mentors, here's the link to my solution for Task-2- get_status_code script.
Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
Thank you!

Oct 5 2023, 7:32 PM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)

Oct 4 2023

Nishant_Nayan added a comment to T347259: Addressing the Lusophone technological wishlist proposals.

Hi everyone, I'm Nishant, a first time Outreachy applicant, really excited to explore the world of open source and contributing for a good cause. I'm really looking forward to contribute towards helping wikimedia grow. Please guide me how to get started and how to login to wikimedia outreachy slack channel. Thank you!

Oct 4 2023, 10:32 AM · Outreach-Programs-Projects, Outreachy (Round 27)