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iOS edits per editor

Authored by chelsyx on Aug 1 2018, 11:07 PM.
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F24413187: iOS edits per editor
Aug 1 2018, 11:07 PM
-- Definition: For any given time period (monthly/quarterly), of the non-bot users that completed at least 1 edit via the iOS app, how many edits did they complete on average (arithmetic mean/median). Edits on other platform won’t affect this metric.
-- Here we only counts the number of edits per editor without doing any aggregation, since we want to see the distribution before determine whether we should use mean or median, or other aggregation metrics.
SELECT month,
IFNULL(user_name, '') AS user_name,
IFNULL(SUM(edits), 0) AS edits,
IFNULL(SUM(edits * deleted), 0) AS deleted_edits
LEFT(rev_timestamp, 6) AS `month`,
rev_user AS `local_user_id`,
COUNT(*) AS `edits`,
0 AS `deleted`
FROM revision
INNER JOIN tag_summary ON rev_id = ts_rev_id AND ts_tags LIKE '%ios app edit%'
WHERE LEFT(rev_timestamp, 6) = '201807' -- time restriction here
GROUP BY LEFT(rev_timestamp, 6), rev_user
LEFT(ar_timestamp, 6) AS `month`,
ar_user AS `local_user_id`,
COUNT(*) AS `edits`,
1 AS `deleted`
FROM archive
INNER JOIN tag_summary ON ar_rev_id = ts_rev_id AND ts_tags LIKE '%ios app edit%'
WHERE LEFT(ar_timestamp, 6) = '201807' -- time restriction here
GROUP BY LEFT(ar_timestamp, 6), ar_user
) AS edit_per_editor
LEFT JOIN user ON local_user_id = user_id
WHERE local_user_id NOT IN (SELECT ug_user FROM user_groups WHERE ug_group = 'bot')
AND local_user_id NOT IN (SELECT ufg_user FROM user_former_groups WHERE ufg_group = 'bot')
GROUP BY month, local_user_id