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Tools: puppetize the alias_hosts workaround for mismatching DNS node names
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This was deployed as a hotfix to solve the immediate issue and needs to be puppetized.

Event Timeline

coren claimed this task.
coren raised the priority of this task from to Unbreak Now!.
coren updated the task description. (Show Details)
coren subscribed.
coren set Security to None.
coren moved this task from To Do to Doing on the Labs-Sprint-100 board.

Change 215918 had a related patch set uploaded (by coren):
Tool Labs: add old-style fqdn aliases to nodes

Change 215918 merged by coren:
Tool Labs: add old-style fqdn aliases to nodes

coren moved this task from Doing to Done on the Labs-Sprint-100 board.