Author: cja987
in SpecialRecentchangeslinked.php, the wfSpecialRecentchangeslinked function
needs two columns added to the $GROUPBY around line 78, namely rc_old_len and
rc_new_len, so it should read like this:
$GROUPBY = " GROUP BY rc_cur_id,rc_namespace,rc_title, rc_user,rc_comment,rc_user_text,rc_timestamp,rc_minor, rc_new, rc_id, rc_this_oldid, rc_last_oldid, rc_bot,
rc_patrolled, rc_type, rc_old_len, rc_new_len
(I'll send actual diffs in the future if needed)
The find for this one goes to Fyren on #mediawiki
Version: 1.9.x
Severity: normal