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BiDi editing buttons available in Ladino Wikipedia
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In this (pre-)request, I'm not yet linking to a community consensus because I'm not really even quite sure what I need to ask the community to agree to in the first place. I need information more than I need action (yet).

There is something that appears to be a gadget available at Meta-Wiki, Wikidata, and on Yiddish Wikipedia, where I think it was created, that places five buttons at the top of editing boxes and allows one to immediately change the directionality of the editing box. This would be enormously useful on Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) Wikipedia, where I am an administrator, because we have both Latin-script and Hebrew-script pages.

However ... I don't see a "Gadgets" tab on my preferences page at ladwiki at all, which makes me assume that somehow gadgets have not been enabled there. Can someone tell me if that is the case?

If I could implement that gadget by itself, I would do so by administrator fiat, if you will, because it is just so obviously useful for this wiki. But if I need to enable gadgets overall first, I'm not sure how easy that would be. I don't speak Ladino very well, and the community is sparse. So if someone can help me understand what I even need to do first, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Event Timeline

StevenJ81 raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
StevenJ81 updated the task description. (Show Details)
StevenJ81 subscribed.
Krenair claimed this task.
Krenair subscribed.

Only and have gadgets disabled, I assume you just haven't configured any gadgets in your local wiki's MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition