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[REQUEST] Phabricator User merge with unified account
Closed, ResolvedPublic



I have an unified account on mediawiki "valeriocipriani" and I have an old one on Phabricator "Raid" this one.

May I request a usermerge of
"Raid" (
"Raid~mediawikiwiki" ( and somewhere else?)

on my final account "Valeriocipriani" to have only "Valeriocipriani" on every wikis?

note: all these accounts are active.

I cant find a right place where ask for this thing, if I am on the wrong place plz redirect me on the right one.


Event Timeline

Raid raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Raid updated the task description. (Show Details)
Raid subscribed.

The Raid user on Phabricator is associated via LDAP/wikitech only. Can you associate your MediaWiki (unified) account via ?

Uhm, you already logged in via Valeriocipriani in Phabricator? Hmm. Please ignore my last comment.

to have only "Valeriocipriani" on every wikis?

Re-reading, it's unclear to me now what is requested in this task. Is this about merging one Phabricator account into another in Phabricator? (Both mentioned accounts have been used but activity has been little, I'd rather disable one account in Phab instead.)
Is this about merging three accounts on-wiki? If you want to change on-wiki accounts, this is done on-wiki. Please see

Ok thx, I would liketo merge Raid user with valeriocipriani, having only valeriocipriani

Could you answer my questions above please?

I would like to merge "Raid" account (Phabricator account) on on-wiki account "valeriocipriani".

it is a midway merge, is it possible?

otherwise delete "Raid" account.

Thx for your help

requested global user merge:

All done, the on-wiki merge account has been done.

Now I linked phabricator account to unified login one on mediawiki.
