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Add display preference to show "jump to top" link on section headings
Open, LowestPublic


As title. Would be very useful when using the desktop skin on mobile (my preference) where there's no "page up" key available.

Would suggest rendering it as "↑" with a tooltip of "Jump to top of page".

Event Timeline

Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Mar 3 2016, 12:36 PM
Aklapper added a project: MediaWiki-General.

Hi @Scott, thanks for taking the time to report this!

I am not convinced the proposal is a good solution to an existing problem. What if the section text is so long that you don't see any section headings either and still need to scroll? If section text is short, why display the same link "jump to top" several times and clutter the interface?
Personally I'd rather expect developers of mobile browsers to provide a solution as this problem happens on basically web page hence I'm proposing to decline this request.
You could set up custom CSS/JavaScript in your user account to achieve this functionality instead...

The answer to all your questions is "it's a user preference, so let it happen if they want it".

No, I am absolutely not going to waste my time writing some horrible Rube Goldberg contraption (a typical technocrat's response based on incorrect assumptions about who they are talking to). I proposed this because it would be useful for other users, not just me.

I am amazed that you would suggest that "developers of mobile browsers [should] provide a solution". That is, frankly, ridiculous.

Could you provide links to statements by other users who would find this useful, please?


That's not a requirement for filing enhancement tasks. Disregarding for now the unreasonable nature of a request to find people talking about an idea that I just had, doing so wasn't a requirement in any of the previous tasks I filed, either. Rather than being met with a demand to justify their existence, those tasks have either been implemented, started being implemented, merged, or, for the most part, left to accumulate comments over years, as normal.

I don't see how this task is different enough from any of them to merit being threatened, bar that you appear to personally dislike it.

Ill keep an open mind in possibly creating a gadget or an user script for enwiki... I also agree with @Aklapper that doesn't need to be implemented in the base MediaWiki code however.