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Change the - char from 'ndash' to 'minus'
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When you expand a category, the symbol changes from '+' to '–'. This is visually unappealing because the characters have different widths. The minus sign, however, has the same width as the plus sign. Line 26 of CategoryTree.js should be changed to:

lnk.innerHTML= '−';

to accomodate this.

Version: unspecified
Severity: trivial



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 9:51 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz10891.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

I'd rather suggest the normal "-" sign (U+002D) since the − (U+2212) doesn't have to be rendered properly in user agents using poor fonts while "-" is ASCII and will be rendered properly everytime.

That would work only if a monospace font were used.

My very unscientific testing (one data point, Firefox 2.0 on Mac :) showed that −, −, and - all have a much shorter width from + in the default display, while – is slightly different but very close -- I have to zoom in a lot to see the difference.

So if it's just going to get worse from using −, I don't see a big benefit here.

Any reason why we couldn't use monospace font for [+] and [-] ?

ayg wrote:

(In reply to comment #3)

My very unscientific testing (one data point, Firefox 2.0 on Mac :) showed that
−, −, and - all have a much shorter width from + in the default
display, while – is slightly different but very close -- I have to zoom
in a lot to see the difference.

Could you be using a font that doesn't contain −? AFAIK it's generally assumed that + and − are to be the same width, and in my experience that's always been true (but Unicode doesn't seem to specify it). Does any single font actually contain radically different-width plus and minus, and if so, what were its creators smoking?

Not that this should really be a big factor in changing the status quo, if current browsers aren't rendering it properly, since pretty much everyone renders – as very close to the width of +. I'll change to LATER, it would be nice if this could be fixed eventually (when things aren't rendered so stupidly, one would hope).

[Removing RESOLVED LATER as discussed in . Reopening and setting priority to "Lowest". For future reference, please use either RESOLVED WONTFIX (for issues that will not be fixed), or simply set lowest priority. Thanks a lot!]

(In reply to comment #7)

[Removing RESOLVED LATER as discussed in .
Reopening and setting priority to "Lowest". For future reference, please use
either RESOLVED WONTFIX (for issues that will not be fixed), or simply set
lowest priority. Thanks a lot!]

No need to fix this one.