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Make default parsed system messages to go in the indicators list
Open, Needs TriagePublic

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Mar 6 2016, 4:54 PM
Referenced Files
"Like" token, awarded by Cocu."Like" token, awarded by Asav.


It should be possible to set badges to go in the indicators list, likewise to set the geolocations to go there without having to set this in the wikitext for each and every article. These data lives in the item, and should not be managed in the wikitext.

That said; the badge is a property for the text, but setting the badge in the text would be a self-description. It is anyhow available from the repo and should be managed there.

A solution could be to make something like MediaWiki:Sidebar. Note that in this case it isn't something that can be reused for all pages, only a specific page.

Event Timeline

jeblad renamed this task from Make a parsed system message to go in the indicators list to Make default parsed system messages to go in the indicators list.Mar 6 2016, 4:54 PM

To clarify: The badge is shown near the sitelink in the sidebar, but on the local wiki with the article an additional badge should be placed in the indicator list. This does not happen now.