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Limit file uploads on Ladino Wikipedia to administrators (and bureaucrats?)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Please see discussion on Meta here, and community notification at Ladino Wikipedia here. To summarize the results: (a) there were no comments whatsoever on this community notification in over two weeks, and (b) no one who is not an administrator has uploaded a media file to ladwiki locally in over eight years. So putting all that together, I conclude that the community does not object to our formally limiting media file uploads to administrators only, and I would request that change through phabricator. (With respect to bureaucrats, all current sysops are also 'crats. I leave the question of whether this right should also remain in the 'crat toolbox as a technical question for you to decide; I'm ok either way on that.)

Event Timeline

Change 309348 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm):
Limit file uploads on Ladino Wikipedia to sysops

Urbanecm triaged this task as Medium priority.Sep 8 2016, 6:07 PM

Will be deployed at September 12

Change 309348 merged by jenkins-bot:
Limit file uploads on Ladino Wikipedia to sysops

Thanks to all for your prompt attention.