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Create a #labs-project-community-labs-monitoring tag
Closed, ResolvedPublic


With regard to T53434, I'd like to be able to tag tasks with "community-labs-monitoring" so that we can easily find tasks relating to this project.

Type: Component
Name: community-labs-monitoring
Optional hashtatgs: community-labs-monitoring, clm
Project description:

Tag representing tasks related to the Community-labs-monitoring project..

Community Labs Monitoring is intended for developers to enable icinga-like monitoring on instances and tools with minimal overhead.

Visible To: Public (no login required)
Editable By: All Users
Joinable By: All Users

Event Timeline

Could you please provide a link to "the Community-labs-monitoring project", or explain what it is?
Currently the proposed project description does not allow anyone to understand what this is about.

Aklapper claimed this task.

Requested project community-labs-monitoring has been created:

Please encourage interested people to visit the project and to join the project as members, and to watch the project in order to receive updates!

Recommended practices for project and workboard management in Phabricator are available.

And if for some reason you ever want to rename the project, please check the guidelines first.
