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All interwiki mapped TOOLS: and JIRA: urls to redirect single url
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At this point of time we have many links on wikis that utilise the interwiki map links of TOOLS (to toolserver) and JIRA (to jira.toolserver)

While ideally we would fix links, this seems too hard for this situation, there are just so many on so many wikis, and not good use of valuable time.

I would like to propose that we create a means to have TOOLS: and JIRA: urls mapped to a single url. My thoughts was to convert tool: and jira: to point to a domain at ( and have that rewrite all the urls and have that either point to the rootpage of the subdomain. It has been suggested to me that we could point rewrite the urls to point to "m:Toolserver".

I don't mind which way we go about it as long as we get the right result of ability to not have so many broken links.

[I thought about just breaking the url mapping for these links so theys forced to a single url, however that seemed untidy, and numbers of people wouldn't like that. As esoterically it apparently is different to have a tidy broken link compared to a working ugly link. That is the fallback position anyway.]

Event Timeline

Hmm, there are some redirects that still work, so it is not a complete story. It looks very messy. Are we controlling the domain name or is WMDE? If we are, can we write a singular redirect for anything that has a specific redirect?

@Billinghurst Does this bug report somehow predate the creation of the redirect service? Things like all go to a reasonable page. Things like that have a known redirect destination on Toolforge redirect.

@bd808 think that it falls somewhere in the middle. I was finding fails, then I found some passe as I was faffing around trying fixess. At which point, I think that I shrugged and thought that I didn't know enough. Apart from that it was 3+ years ago. In the end, the important links are fixed, and it is just the chook scraps that are left.

no longer particularly pertinent