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Configure geo-shapes to be not enabled yet on Wikidata
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We will need a time period, after some announcement, for people to test the new geo-shapes data type (e.g. on test.wikidata) and for people to adapt their tools (e.g. pywikibot, wikidata toolkit).

Also, we would want wikipedias to be able to handle geo-shapes soon as it is enabled, even though they don't get new code the same day as Wikidata. Best way is to have the code there one deployment cycle before enabling new data type.

See also:

Event Timeline

Change 339446 had a related patch set uploaded (by Aude):
Disallow geo-shape data type on wikidata for now

Change 339446 merged by jenkins-bot:
Disallow geo-shape data type on wikidata for now

aude claimed this task.

geo-shapes will still be enabled on beta (probably next time we have successful build) and on test.wikidata at next deployment.

then we can announce and people can try it (suppose it's ok even if it misses some features, like rdf support?)