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Using enwp template {{PD-FLGov}} causes unexpected indentation on talk page
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The insertion of this tag on a talk page evidently increases the indentation level by approximately the equivalent of four leading colons. The additional indentation is not affected by Template:Outdent or section headings (==...==).

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By "tag" you mean inserting the {{PD-FLGov}} into a talk page?
Do you know if this a problem of the code in , or a problem of the parser in the MediaWiki code base?

Yes, that's what I mean. You can see the effect twice on 83d40m's talk page:
First in § "File permission problem with File:Map Seagate campus 83d40m University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee.jpg"
then on the section on capitalization in the article on Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, when I deliberately tested the effect. The user whose talk page this is, 83d40m, thought that I had caused the problem … Well, those details are irrelevant; you can find them in that last-named section.

I don't know where the problem stems from. I don't even know how to get to see the template code, let alone understand how it works.

Aklapper renamed this task from Template PD-FLGov causes irreversible indentation to Using enwp template {{PD-FLGov}} causes unexpected indentation on talk page.Apr 24 2017, 9:50 AM
Aklapper triaged this task as Lowest priority.Apr 24 2017, 9:53 AM

The template code is here:

Looking at the wikitext of you can see

:The image already bears the tag that has been in place since the previous debate.

Same for

As the template is centered on non-user pages I could imagine this to be some feature.