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Please upload large files to Wikimedia Commons
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am not able to upload following file to Wikimedia commons. Can you please upload it?
Name: Motta Vallac, aerial video.webm
user: Capricorn4049

Rehosted by @Urbanecm, please poke him when the file can be de-hosted.

Event Timeline

Framawiki triaged this task as Medium priority.
Framawiki subscribed.

Direct download link to a zip that contain the .webm and a .txt :

BTW is it only about 150 MBs. @Capricorn4049 You should be able to upload it yourself. The limit is 4 GB AFAIK.

Yes, I know @Urbanecm, but I always get the error message:
Could not store upload in the stash (UploadStashFileException): "Error storing file in '/tmp/chunkedupload_96b2668cef25.webm': An unknown error occurred in storage backend "local-swift-eqiad".".

Okay. I think we should be able to upload this file technically anyway.

Capricorn4049 claimed this task.

I was surprisingly able to upload the video today via Upload Wizard.

@Urbanecm: you can delete the files.

Thank you.