Author: herd
r39766 rearranged some of the CSS calls in Skin.php and (as far as I can tell, although maybe it happened in an earlier revision) as a consequence of this:
if( $wgUser->isLoggedIn() ) {
$siteargs['smaxage'] = '0'; $siteargs['ts'] = $wgUser->mTouched;
now appears before the call to the site's dynamic CSS pages (Common.css, Print.css, Handhead.css, {skin}.css), which each include $siteargs. This causes all these pages to invalidate cache whenever a logged in user changes any preferences. As none of these depend on user preferences, they should not be getting invalidated by the ts= parameter. Suggest moving the $siteargs['ts'] = $wgUser->mTouched; or whole isLoggedIn() check /after/ the SiteCSS check.
Version: 1.14.x
Severity: minor