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Clicking on "Edit" in Wikipedia produces only a blank field
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Author: shawngoldwater

At first, the problem seemed to only happen when I tried to edit Wikipedia from work using the "incognito" mode in Google Chrome. But this evening when I returned home and logged on to my account via Safari, the same problem has occurred. There's just no functionality at all in Edit mode. Even when I enter text and click save, nothing changes in the text.

Interestingly, when I click on Edit on pages I had previously edited before, the text appears momentarily, then vanishes.

It seems as if using the incognito Chrome function at work screwed something up? But why would that affect a different computer, at home?

My Wikipedia user name is: Shawn in Montreal.

I hope I am in the right place, and that you can help me.


Version: 1.15.x
Severity: blocker
OS: Mac OS X 10.4
Platform: Macintosh



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:29 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz17528.

Sounds like some javascript is stuffing things up, but I can't find any scripts set up for your account. It could, perhaps, be a gadget you have enabled. Try disabling all of that and see if the error resolves itself.

Sounds like some javascript is stuffing things up, but I can't find any scripts set up for your account. It could, perhaps, be a gadget you have enabled. Try disabling all of that and see if the error resolves itself.

The user reported in private email that the bug had been resolved by my suggestions.