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Reorganize columns on Phabricator workboard
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As Release-Engineering-Team at and via H229 is used anyway for "progress
tracking", I propose column changes:

  • renaming "Backlog" to "Misc"
  • creating "Infrastructure" (for SRE, Traffic, servers, underlying architecture, underlying server conf, etc)
  • creating "Database" (which would include converting projects to subprojects, any SQL fiddling)
  • creating "Admin (UI)" (stuff that admins can change via default settings file in Puppet or via UI settings; form requests)
  • creating "Need code" (for what requires writing PHP or bot code)
  • creating "Policies" (docs / decisions whether to use some functionality or not)
  • creating "External" (code to fix somewhere else, like wikibugs misbehaving or "Move repo X to Gerrit")
  • removing the "Administration" column

Of course there's still going to be enough stuff between the cracks ("Misc") but these categories are hopefully rather disjunct plus help differentiating who can work on what based on access permissions.

Mukunda says "These all seem like good ideas".

Event Timeline

Aklapper triaged this task as Medium priority.Aug 29 2018, 10:40 AM
Aklapper created this task.

Caaling this mostly done