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$wgStylePath does not default to "/wiki/skins/ "
Closed, InvalidPublic


Author: budmaddock

The default path to $wgLogo appears to be broken at $wgStylePath, referencing "includes/DefaultSettings.php" documentation.
Explicitly adding $wgStylePath = "/wiki/skins/" near the end of LocalSettings.php corrects the problem.

Detailed workaround:
Change LocalSettings.php
$wgStylePath = "/wiki/skins/";
Place image in /var/lib/mediawiki/skins/common/images/wikidog.png

According to the documentation the $wgStylePath line is not necessary but the code will not work without it. It would be helpful to know where $wgStylePath points when customizing LocalSetting.php

Version: 1.11.x
Severity: major
OS: Linux
Platform: PC



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Medium.Nov 21 2014, 10:35 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz18650.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

karun.84 wrote:

I am currently having a look at the bug now.
The default value from$wgStylePath is "{$wgScriptPath}/skins".
What do you have defined for $wgScriptPath and has this been changing at all within the configuration?


karun.84 wrote:

This problem occurs when $wgScriptPath is changed in the configuration files, as $wgStylePath utilises this as part of the default path being $wgScriptPath/skins. A lot of the paths that are set use $wgScriptPath as the base, and when this is changed the other paths will need to be redefined.

The installation script that comes with MediaWiki will set $wgScriptPath for you when it is installed.

Most of the information about the default values is available in the Manual at$wgStylePath