In the .htmllintrc.json file, enable all rules below the blank line and fix all violations for each rule.
- id-class-style
- tag-bans
- attr-bans
- tag-close
In the .htmllintrc.json file, enable all rules below the blank line and fix all violations for each rule.
But to enable these rules is necessary to know which options you want, check htmllint options. tag-close is the only which works when I set to true.
Executing with:
json { "indent-style": "spaces", "raw-ignore-regex": "({% .*? %}|{{.*?}})[ \t]*", "label-req-for": false, "line-end-style": false, "text-ignore-regex": "(=>|<!--|-->)", "id-class-style": false, "tag-bans": false, "attr-bans": false, "tag-close": true }
I get:
>> encountered 1252 errors in total >> 36 file(s) had lint error out of 76 file(s). (skipped 0 files) Warning: Task "htmllint:src" failed. Use --force to continue.