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perrow and widths don't work with packed modes
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Steps to reproduce

  1. create a gallery of 4 images
  2. set its mode to one of packed
  3. set perrow 3

Expected behavior
Perrow should move the 4th image to the new line

Current behavior
Perrow just doesn't work for these modes

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Dvorapa renamed this task from perrow doesn't work with packed mode to perrow doesn't work with packed modes.Jan 21 2019, 5:03 PM
Dvorapa renamed this task from perrow doesn't work with packed modes to perrow and widths don't work with packed modes.Jan 21 2019, 5:23 PM

This issue recently came up at the en-WP Village Pump. It looks like this came up during the development of packed mode here. But the decision to just ignore it doesn't really make sense—as Dvorapa said above, if there's a gallery with 4 images and 3 per line, it should go onto a second line. At some point it would need to override the setting, as we don't want tiny images, but that's what it does already with the widths and height parameters, which it treats as suggestions rather than requirements. The behavior should be the same here.