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Bad resultset number case is not handled
Open, LowPublic


Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "/srv/quarry/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 870, in __next__
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     return self._next()
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "/srv/quarry/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 82, in _iter_encoded
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     for item in iterable:
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "/srv/quarry/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/contrib/", line 183, in __new__
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     rv = g.switch()
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "/srv/quarry/venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/werkzeug/contrib/", line 178, in run
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     func(stream)
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "./quarry/web/", line 79, in respond
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     csvobject.writerows(rows)
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "./quarry/web/", line 55, in _stringify_results
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     for row in rows:
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:   File "./quarry/web/", line 102, in get_rows
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]:     cur.execute('SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY __id__' % table_name)
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: resultset_12
Mar 16 02:35:09 quarry-web-01 uwsgi-quarry-web[372]: [pid: 644|app: 0|req: 130813/1782137] () {38 vars in 575 bytes} [Sat Mar 16 02:35:09 2019] GET /run/250706/output/12/csv => generated 0 bytes in 93 msecs (HTTP/1.1 200) 2 headers in 91 bytes (0 switches on core 0)

It should have been processed with T205222: The absence of resultset/unknown number case is not handled, but there are still errors.

Event Timeline

Framawiki created this task.

Removing task assignee due to inactivity, as this open task has been assigned for more than two years (see emails sent to assignee on May26 and Jun17, and T270544). Please assign this task to yourself again if you still realistically [plan to] work on this task - it would be very welcome!

(See for tips how to best manage your individual work in Phabricator.)