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New 'wikilists-l' list for discussion of mailing list issues, blocks, etc.
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Author: stvrtg

Recent discussion on foundation-l and wikien-l has brought about the criticism that issues regarding mailing lists themselves are tangential to the actual purpose of these lists.

The criticism about proper place is valid, but so too is the point that list issues need to be discussed. Thus a proper place to discuss mailing list issues is needed, and a mailing list for discussing such issues is requested.

This idea was proposed by Thomas Dalton in the context of discussing both moderation blocks on foundation-l, and my proposal for the creation of a new dispute resolution list:


Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 21 2014, 10:47 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz20209.

Assigned to Cary Bass per the instructions at [[m:Mailing list#Create a new list]].

thomas.dalton wrote:

I think this request may be a little premature. We don't have any evidence of significant support for such a list yet.

stvrtg wrote:

Well don't discount your own idea so quickly. The criticisms are fairly easy to deal with:

  1. The idea that "significant support" is a prerequisite for list creation is in fact not true - at least it has not been the precedent. (Indeed we still even start language wikis with just a simple request)
  2. We generally give little prejudiced concern to how much it will be used. We have a large number of mailing lists, some of which are of very low activity - so that's not an issue.
  3. We have lists created simply because a wiki already exists, or else some other Wikimedia entity exists. We have a list for the meta wiki, mediazilla, mediawiki, wikitech, etc., so a list for dealing with the administration of lists themselves simply follows the standard modus of creating a list for each project or project tool.

-Steven wrote:

Nothing has changed with this ticket. Remain closed. wrote:

Sorry, misread the bug. De-assigning to self and removing myself from copy list.

thomas.dalton wrote:

Reassigning to Cary - sorry, Cary, but the instructions say it is your problem! I would WONTFIX it if I were you, per my prior comment.

stvrtg wrote:

I want to reopen that, so that Cary can give us his insights. No doubt he can deal with each of the points I raise, and I am certain his insights will be interesting.

Thomas, I would like an explanation as to why you would forthrightly suggest an plausible and straightforward idea, and then back down from support its actual implementation? Do you think your own ideas to be invalid?
