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WikiApiary: Website "General" tab is broken for WMF and probably some other wikis
Open, Needs TriagePublic


e.g. click "General" and you'll see most of the fields are blank, the "MediaWiki Version" field has a SMW error, and there's a big mess of code at the bottom. This is caused by nested {} in the pageviewservice-supported-metrics parameter on [Website]/General (e.g. for "Wikipedia (en)", the value is {u'siteviews': {u'uniques': u'', u'pageviews': u''}, u'mostviewed': {u'pageviews': u''}, u'pageviews': {u'pageviews': u''}}; note the }} at the end).

In addition to pageviewservice-supported-metrics, this could potentially also affect the readinglists-config, galleryoptions, linter, imagelimits, wmf-config, and magiclinks parameters, so any fix should also apply to them (if possible, it might be best to just apply it to all parameters).